

虽然经常互换使用,但onboarding和orientation并不相同. 入职培训包括新员工需要知道的信息:福利登记, 停车信息, 系统访问, 办公室厨房礼仪, 等. 另一方面, onboarding dives deeper 和 has a greater impact on retention as it calls for employers to make sure people have the tools they need to be successful, 订婚了, 在新的岗位上获得权力.

Inclusive onboarding exp和s beyond supervisor 和 employee involvement to connect employees with institutional missions 和 值, 员工资源组, 实习机会,, 更重要的是,这个过程真的是一个部门, 单位- - - - - -, 甚至是整个机构的努力.

向主管提供有关入职培训或入职的信息, 请参阅下面的主题. 单击下面的任何标题将展开选择以显示其他信息.


作为招聘过程的一部分,所有符合福利条件的新员工都将自动注册 新员工入职培训[PDF] 新员工入职日期将在人力资源服务中心发出的正式录取通知书上注明. 同样,新的符合福利条件的教师将自动注册入职. 该日期将与部门和新员工共享.

因为培训是半天的虚拟会议, 在培训期间不要安排与新员工的会面,这一点很重要. 理想情况下,相关的团队会议应该重新安排,让新员工充分参与.


除了为符合福利条件的员工进行新员工培训, newbb电子平台强烈鼓励各院系主任和院长安排新教员参加该学院的课程 欢迎新教员.

由执行副校长和教务长办公室主持, 新教师欢迎提供重要信息, 资源, 并支持新教师加入newbb电子平台的任何一个校区. 该事件提供了有关关键流程和程序的信息, 学生支持与成功, 晋升和终身职位, 开发支持教学和研究的资源, 以及大学联系人的重要介绍.


对于新员工和他们的主管来说,第一天可能是压倒性的. 设置开始日期时, supervisors should ensure that their schedule is as clear as possible so they can engage new employees in an interactive 部门 orientation: making introductions, 共享相关办公信息, 等. 鼓励主管使用 部门 新雇员核对表[多克斯) 为新员工在办公室的第一天制定一个日程安排.


一个健全的招聘计划通常包括分享有关机构总体使命的信息, 值, 和策略,因为它可以帮助候选人决定是否接受工作. 一旦员工接受了这份工作, reaffirming this information can help solidify their underst和ing of their role within the university 和 their sense of belonging at 俄亥俄州.

There are various ways supervisors or 部门 leadership can incorporate this information into onboarding. 一是鼓励监事共享相关资源,如 使命及价值观大学文化 网页及 动态战略 页面 总统办公室的人. 另外, these high-level focuses should also be taken into consideration when setting goals with employees as discussed in the performance management section. 最后, 只要有可能, supervisors should encourage employees to attend relevant campus events such as the annual 教师 和 工作人员 Convocation hosted by the Office of the President. 


大学的, there are a variety of involvement opportunities for faculty 和 staff such as employee affinity organizations, 专业发展计划, 参议院和委员会, 以及各种校园和社区活动.

再一次。, supervisors are encouraged to share this information with new employees as early as possible so that new employees feel empowered to immerse themselves into the campus community as quickly as possible. 更多信息可在 参与俄亥俄州 网页.


参与机会之外, there are a variety of 资源 available to ensure that employees feel supported 和 订婚了 throughout their employment 和, 类似的, 对员工来说,了解部门之间的关系是至关重要的, 单位- - - - - -, 大学领导层都重视员工的健康和敬业度.

可用资源包括但不限于我们的 员工援助计划; 大学无障碍办公室; 健康计划; the LGBT, Multicultural, 和 Women’s Centers; meditation spaces; lactation spaces 和 more.

有关这些资源和其他资源的更多信息, 鼓励员工和主管参观 无障碍,住宿和包容 网页或联系他们 人力资源联络.


超越大学的使命和价值观, it is important that department leadership can also help employees align with department- 和 单位- - - - - -specific goals. 如上所述, the performance management model provides a great opportunity for employees 和 supervisors to connect positions back to bigger-picture strategies via goals that embody mission 和 值.


除了指导机会, many departments or units also have additional internal involvement opportunities such as diversity committees, 阅读组, 各种特别活动, 等. 欢迎新员工的时候, supervisors are encouraged to share general information about such opportunities 和 calendars with new employees prior to their start date. Doing so allows new employees to explore opportunities 和 be prepared to ask questions or discuss interests upon their arrival.


随着越来越多的机构认识到同伴指导或团体指导的价值, various departments at 俄亥俄州 are developing their own internal mentorship programs wherein new hires are paired with peers whose work embodies the core mission 和 whose behavior embodies the core 值 of the department, 大学, 或大学. 虽然这种方法通常是与新教师一起研究的, research also suggests that establishing peer networks 和 实习机会, is beneficial for new staff.

如果你的部门有兴趣了解更多校园里现有的例子, 或者设计一个内部同伴指导模式, 请与您的人力资源联络员联系. 


A critical component of onboarding is ensuring that people know how they align within the organization 和 with whom they should connect for various needs. 第一天, 把新员工介绍给办公室里的任何人是很正常的, 但在那些短暂的走廊问候中很难建立任何真正的联系.

It is recommended that supervisors utilize a calendaring tool to set up meetings throughout the first several weeks for more thorough introductions with key contacts: teammates, 研究合作伙伴(年代), 主管(s), 部门/策划组主管, 人力资源联络, 校园合作伙伴(年代), 社区伙伴(年代), 等.

创建会议邀请时, supervisors can help facilitate the conversation by providing pertinent information such as summarizing the value of the connection 和/or by providing key talking points.


A primary goal of onboarding is ensuring employees have what they need to be successful in their new position. An easy way to get the ball rolling is by jumping into the performance management model: establishing what both short- 和 long-term SMART goals are, 确定哪些资源和/或培训是必要的, 参与到开放的, 诚实地检查进度, 回答问题, 场的想法, 等.

设定目标时, 重要的是,主管不能简单地为员工设定目标, 而是, 双方就角色的需求进行公开对话, 新员工觉得他们能在哪些方面做出最大贡献, 和 what new or ongoing projects are most likely to engage the new employee based on the employee’s skills 和 interests. 这也是主管帮助新员工与使命保持一致的关键机会, 值, 以及部门的战略计划, 规划单元, 和大学.

Additional information about performance management as well as available training opportunities for both supervisors 和 non-supervisors is available on 性能管理网页.


Helping a new employee become an integrated member of a team can be challenging 和 takes more than some icebreakers. Supervisor or department heads can take a variety of steps to assist in this process such as facilitating introductory meetings, preparing existing team members by sharing the new employee’s qualifications 和 areas of interest in advance of the new employee’s arrival, 和/或寻求了解新的专业知识在现有项目中最受欢迎的地方.

Many supervisors or department heads may wish to engage in team exercises wherein all team members take an assessment such as DiSC. 重要的是, 团队应该进行这样的评估吗, 接下来的步骤或行动项目也要确定,以使体验最有意义. 了解更多信息, 请联系刘易斯·曼根, 组织和人才发展总监 mangen@俄亥俄州.edu.


而入职是, 通过定义, 一个贯穿员工整个任期的过程, 一些部门选择创建组合事件, 标准化, 并调整一些一般的入职工作,以协助主管完成这个过程.

这样的活动在校园里以不同的形式出现. 在一个例子中,一个单位举行半年一次的全天会议,只面向新的教职员工. 在那段时间里, 新员工有机会了解彼此和单位领导, 了解该单位的使命和价值观, 和 are encouraged to learn about how each department aligns with the overall university strategic initiatives. This event also provides an opportunity for new faculty 和 staff to h和le some orientation-style topics such as any m和atory training.

在另一个例子中, the unit conducts an annual meeting for all faculty 和 staff – new 和 old – to come together for a workshop-style event wherein everyone has the opportunity to network, 分享有新闻价值的信息, 参与团队建设活动, 并启动新的努力,突出该部门对大学战略举措的承诺.

如果你的单位有兴趣发展活动,以协助入职过程, 请与您的 人力资源联络.